The video is professional quality work.
What a heartbreak and tragedy that Matt died so young.
I will soon be deleting this site. It is time for other adventures in life. I would like to thank all who came by and said hello. I wish you all the very best.
pic - Mill Bay Beach Aurora 1-15-23
Pastor and adventure missionary Jesse Boyd and family have been walking across the United States carrying a small cross, and at times an upside down American flag, since they left from Cape Hatteras, North Carolina on March 1st. Jesse has walked over 5,400 miles within the last calendar year handing out Bibles and preaching the gospel. He has not had any encounters like he did on Saturday, November 12th.
Jesse's 18 year old daughter Bethany, 12 year old son Josiah, and two other support staff, Eric Trent and Carter Phillips, were traveling between West Yellowstone Montana and Ennis Montana on Saturday when a local rancher pulled his truck in front of a vehicle driven by Carter and Bethany. They were a short distance ahead of the others who were walking. The rancher got out of his vehicle and began yelling insults at Carter and Bethany. He told them they were not welcome in Montana and to leave. As Jesse and the others approached the vehicle the rancher became more confrontational. The situation ...